zaterdag 3 december 2011


REFERENCE POINT The Trappists 'Ragnarök Abbaye'

Robert Calvert's second solo LP 'Lucky Leif And The Longships' came out in 1975. It was produced by Brian Eno and features writer Michael Moorcock (on banjo) as well as members of Hawkwind and Pink Fairies. It tells the tale of a mythical viking invasion of America and features some excellent tracks including 'Ship Of Fools' and the sublime Beach Boys surf-pop pastiche 'Lay Of The Surfers'. The undoubted highlight is the album's closing track (and Trappists re-edit source) 'Ragna Rock'. It's here where the fusion of Eno and Hawkwind can be best appreciated.

The album can be downloaded here. If you like it then check out Calvert's first album, 'Captain Lockheed & The Starfighters', as well. Generally a more consistent album, there's no Eno and a lot more Hawkwind on board.

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